Fighting Bro Alloy T-Piece (Genuine) 3 piece set

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Regular price $12.50
Regular price $30.00 Sale Sale price $12.50

Due to popular demand ViperTac have commissioned Fighting Bro to produce a limited run of their ever popular full alloy original T-Piece 3 x piece set.

Fighting Bro ceased general manufacture of this T-Piece some time ago. It was a favourite of high end gel blaster techs and is full alloy construction which may require additional modifications to suit specific blasters.

This is a universal T-Piece generally favoured by gel blaster techs and skilled amateur builders.

This receiver adapter and T-Piece is well suited to many builds including any build that is using the APS gearbox. The nozzle that suits this T-Piece is the standard Well M4 nozzle tip such as the one that comes with the Well M4. 


  • 1 x full alloy T-Piece
  • 1 x Receiver Adapter 
  • 1 x Retention Spring